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Thursday, 10 December 2009


Final tanggal 12 Desember 2008, tanggal 23 Januari 2009 saat tulisan ini ditulis, Google kembali merilis Google Chrome 2.0. Tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan pada versi ini, hanya perbaikan bugs.
Apa Yang Baru?
  • [r7615]Fixes a crash related to tab dragging (Issue: 5819)
  • [r7616]Add a terminating NULL to the text read from the edit control. (Issue: 6053)
  • [r7620]Enables restoring of keyboard focus to the the toolbar button that last had focus, before focus was lost (e.g to a dialog, another window, etc). Setting focus using the toolbar focus keyboard shortcut will still reset focus to the first enabled, visible button (starting at the Back button). (Issue: 5750)
  • [r7644]In some cases (related to window.open() with no contents, see bug for more details) we may get notified of SSL error or mixed-contents without a NavigationEntry. (Issue: 3845)
  • [r7664]If the URL text has no scheme, and starts with ftp., then default the scheme to ftp (Issue: 565)
  • [r7669]Fixes an issue where Chrome hangs "Waiting for cache" (Issue: 4769)
  • [r7703]Attempt to fix an issue related to SSL navigation. (Issue: 5800)
  • [r7705]Fix for auto-detection of encoding (Issue: 3702)
  • [r7724]Add debug menu to Linux test_shell: (Issues: 6050, 5122)
  • [r7747]Fixup and verify URLs from the server before adding them to the autocomplete dropdown. (Issue: 5806)
  • [r7792]Make sure that the active tab contents is destroyed when navigating back from the tab contents to the downloads page. Which fixes an issue w/ Flash not being signaled to cleanup (Issue: 5828)
  • [r7798]Add support for custom cursors set by windowless plugins. (Issue: 3800)
  • [r7822]Prevent overwrite pre-filled values when autofilling a form. (Issue: 6197)
  • [r7823]Fixes issue where auto-complete popups would linger on the screen. (Issues: 5830, 3844)
  • [r7873]Updating user dictionaries for 19 languages (Issue: 2837)
  • [r7882]Measure how often the users are encountering MD5 (Issue: 6102)


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